Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

The Exceptions to Being Covered on Your Parents' Health Insurance

Whether you are just moving off to college, or finally graduating and beginning your new career, if you are like many young adults across the country you likely are still on your parents' health insurance plan. You should be aware that while this may protect you in certain instances, it is often not enough. Chances are that if you investigate the fine print of the plan, you will find that your coverage under their insurance is actually quite limited in what it will cover and where, partially because it will be tailored to their needs and location, not yours. Here are a few issues you may run into by staying on their plan.

Moving Out of State

Starting college or a new job often brings us out of state, which can be the perfect opportunity to see a little more of the world and experience a way of life that is a little new and unfamiliar. Unfortunately, for many health insurance plans, you will only be covered in the state that your parents live. This is still good protection if you get a sickness serious enough to warrant traveling back home for treatment. Letting a health issue get this far, however, is never a good idea. Foregoing things like regular check-ups and doctor visits for what begin as minor health issues are often the cause of developing more serious medical complications. Make sure that when you leave home, you are covered wherever you happen to be living, so you can get the treatment you need, when and where you need it.

Dental Problems

One of the worst types of check-up to ignore is the kind you get from your dentist. Regular cleaning and examinations are critical to your health, and minor problems can quickly develop into very painful issues if you are not keeping up with them. You should know that while you probably qualify to be on your parents' health insurance plan until you turn 26, in most cases this will not include dental.

Individual Plans

The benefits of seeking out an individual health care plan go beyond moving out of state and needing dental insurance, though those are each important factors. In acquiring your own plan, you will be able to get custom coverage that will serve your unique needs, and make decisions about your plan that can benefit you when you really need it the most. Many young adults are nervous and unsure about the issue of seeking out their own plan because it is stepping out into such unfamiliar territory. However, this is just another one of those steps into adulthood that you will discover is not nearly as scary as it seems, and that you will be grateful you took in the long run. If you have questions, an insurance broker will be able to guide to you to the plan best suited to your needs